Are you having a problem with termite infestation?
Termites are a nightmare for homeowners. Yes – they help break down dead wood and recycle the nutrients, but they also build colonies in our homes and cause much damage.
They don’t come with visible signs so you won’t see them or their damage right away. Often, the only sign you’ll have that they’re present is a higher water bill!
Learning as much as possible about them and how to prevent them will help you keep them away from your home. If you’re already battling a termite infestation, keep reading. Today we’re going to break down the types of termites and what to do about them.
Mud Tube Termites
These critters are commonly found beneath the soil. They are responsible for the majority of structural damage. They strike home foundations and property. A regular inspection by a termites-roaches exterminator on your property is key to preventing them.
They can help identify signs of subterranean termite activity. They can also be used to help control existing infestations. Termite exterminators eliminate conditions that provide food, water, or shelter to subterranean termites.
Dry Wood Termites
They feed on wood that is either dead or not used by humans. These termites do not come from the soil. They rather swarm in the air and then search out wood sources. The signs of an infestation are quiet galleries.
They are sometimes found in pellets of wood being produced. To prevent a termite infestation, homeowners should practice proper wood management. They can do things such as painting, staining, and sealing their wood.
Also, reducing and removing wood debris around the home is important. Doing these simple steps can help prevent costly damage from dry wood termites.
Damp Wood Termite
This is a type of termite that seek out moist wood to damage and feed on. These termites prefer wood that is wet, decaying, or otherwise damaged. They are most commonly found in contact with soil or water. They are rarely found above ground.
These termites get the moisture they need from the damp wood they feed on. For damp wood termite prevention, inspect your home for any signs of moisture. Repair any water damage or leaks found. Make sure all areas are sealed properly to prevent infestation.
Additionally, avoid using wet wood or wood with any signs of rot in your home, as this can create a breeding ground for damp wood termites.
Formosan Termites
These termites feed 24 hours a day. They can cause the most significant and costly damage to any termite species. It is vital to reduce moisture in buildings to avoid infestation. Inspect potential problem areas regularly.
Reduce your reliance on wood debris, mulch, and other organic materials in the yard. Seal any future openings or cracks around windows, doors, and pathways to prevent termites from entering structures.
Identifying Different Types of Termites
Termites can cause devastating damage to buildings if left unchecked. To protect your property, it is important to know the different types of termites.
With this quick guide, you now know what is necessary to identify and eradicate different types of termites. It isn’t too late to take action, so find your local pest control expert today.
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